Ike-World Joy Board
Tim-world Joy Board
Dr. John Thueson-surgeon (Abuelo)-Hope Clinic
Kellie-Dr. Thueson's daughter
Dr. Dennis Hughes-OB/GYN-Hope Clinic
Danette, RN-Hope Clinic
Kassie, RN-Hope Clinic
Sarah, UN-Hope Clinic
From the bottom: Tim, Danette, Kassie, Ike, Kellie, Abuelo, Dr. Hughes
Tim was nicknamed Mike shortly after our journey began so that we could refer to both Ike and Tim as Mike 'n Ike. They were amazing. They organized everything and took good care of us, while we in turn made life fun and difficult for them.
Mike 'n Ike
Abuelo falling through the bridge
Papa-Papa-Paparazzi. Kellie
Kassie happy in her ocean
Jane of the Jungle...or maybe it's Danette
Dr. Photogenic. aka Dr. Hughes
Sarah doing yoga on a bridge over a river in a chocolate forest in the middle of Africa.
The Good Good Life.
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